Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Its Official!!!

I now have my MRS. Degree!!! :-) The marriage license came in the mail, its all final now!!! Now comes the long, drawn-out process of name changing, which I'm starting today at 1:30p. Going to Social Security Office to get started! Yea!!!


Sally said...

How did the name changing go?

It wasn't so bad for me...just one trip to social security, and about 30 minutes in the office...hope yours was as painless.

Oh, by the way, we took Ads to get her ears piereced last Saturday...she did AWESOME, and they look GREAT!

G&K said...

I was there about 15 min- 20 max. That part was easy (I'm glad I called first though, because not only do you need the marriage license, they also require a copy of the application for marriage) G went and picked it up and then picked me up on my lunch we went to SSA office and then to the bank. Today I get to go to the DMV (they are only open here M,W,F- so couldn't go yesterday). It's just time consuming, having to contact every single place to get it switched.
I'm glad Ads did so well! I'll have to remember to get her a pair of earrings for her B-day!
Guess the next time we'll see you guys will be for the Hamm Bash... not too long from now...

Sally said...

I'm not positive we're going parents will be getting here about then. We'll try to at least go up for Saturday for a while. Will you guys come down here at all?

LaughingLaura said...

You guys settled in, yet?

Sally said...

Suez - I'm tagging you, officially, for the Purse Meme...

have fun!