Friday, March 2, 2007

Home Inspection

Oue home inspection was yesterday. There are probelms with the house that need to be fixed before our loan can be approved. I am praying that the sellers will fix them. If they refuse, we can't buy the house :-(


LaughingLaura said...

Have you guys heard anything back, yet?

G&K said...

Not yet. Today is the deadline for having this stuff figured out, its wriiten into the contract. So if they don't reply, the break the contract. I'm praying really hard, especially after this morning. My neighbors woke me up at 3a this morning... I am so anxious to get out of there.

LaughingLaura said...

So, what did you hear? And either way, you're going to be out of there in a month, right?

G&K said...

The seller refused to fix the roof unless we paid more for sale price. But did fix the other things that needed to be fixed. Still waiting to hear from the bank and insurance people to find out wheter or not we can go ahead and fix the roof ourselves by adding to the loan amount (so we don't have to wait on seller to do it before we close on the house) and /or if we can insure it as is and not have to do anything. Supposed to hear back today.

LaughingLaura said...

I've done some roofing work with my dad (and also know how to patch them). Let me know if you need any help! :-D