Thursday, December 21, 2006

Concerned Parent

I love my father to death- but he worries too much! He had my mom call me today to warn me that the roads are closed clear to the Kansas border because of the blizzard. Don't get me wrong- it's nice that he's concerned, but we aren't leaving until Saturday morning for our drive east. And it is supposed to get into the forties here tomorrow. Translation- major melting! The Highway is already pretty melted in places, so by tomorrow afternoon it will be clear. I understand that we are his kids, but he overdoes it, and has actually made himself sick by all the worrying he does. What to do? Love him and smile! :-)


LaughingLaura said...

I hope you guys make it to KS okay! I'm currently sitting at the Denver airport praying that my flight out (it doesn't leave 'til 10:30p) doesn't get cancelled a second time. It was already cancelled once on Wednesday, and this was the first flight I could get out. If I can't get out tonight, I have a feeling I wont' be able to get home 'til after Christmas *sigh*

G&K said...

Yeah- I know. Our leave time got pushed back in a round-about-way due to the storm also. G's food order at work that was supposed to get there today won't be in until tomorrow morning because of the roads. So we can't leave until he gets the whole shipment checked in at the ranch. But at least we will get to leave tomorrow. I hope you get to leave tonight. It would be a bummer to not be with family for Christmas. Let me know if you get there on time okay?