Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My Mom

Update on my mom. Docotr called Thursday to say she thinks she got all the cancer- it hadn't spread and was non-invasive. She still wants my mom to go through the radiation as a precaution, but no chemo! Thank GOD! He blessed us with catching this so early, and now it will be just a small blip in the road of life instead of a huge road block. I am all for yearly screenings, and will continue to go for all of mine. It helps to catch things early!


Sally said...

Yes to regular screenings! Maybe someday that will sink in with B...it should after what Dad W went through!

So glad your mom is doing so well!

G&K said...

You bet! G is a little better but having trouble getting him to make an appt for eye doc- he keeps saying after the new year... so next week I'll start bugging him again! :-)