Thursday, October 11, 2007

Modern Medicine

I am thankful that we live in this time of "Modern Medicine" where doctors can diagnose diseases and such so quickly that in many cases you take some medicine, or have a minor operation, and your problem is over- like it was never there. But it is sad that there are still doctors that can let someone's symptoms get so far that it is life-threatening, when if it had been caught earlier, when it should have been, it would have been a minor problem.
My uncle, my mom's brother, kept telling his doctor that he felt increasingly tired- for two years he has told the doctor this- every time he got on him for gaining weight, and telling him he had to exercise more; my uncle would tell them that he was so utterly exhausted after work, that he could barely make the two-mile drive home, and then he was fast asleep as soon as he sat down in his easy chair. He has had a cough for a while now, and at times it can get so severe he has broken ribs- just from coughing. He had another such spell this past Tuesday night, and went to the E.R. with back pain from his coughing spell. The E.R. doctor told him he'd had a heart attack (which the Cardiologist later retracted). But they kept him in the hospital to monitor him, and when he didn't get better, they decided to do some more tests. Today, they did a angiogram and found out that all four main arteries to his heart are 99-100% BLOCKED! It is amazing that he is still alive.
So right now were are wondering how his doctor could let him get this sick, and waiting to find out where they are going to transfer him to Denver University Hospital to do quadruple bypass surgery (because none of the doctors in Pueblo will touch him- too high-risk). Your prayers are greatly coveted at this time as we wait and see, and wonder, and worry, and... PLEASE pray for my Uncle and my mom, he's her only living relative left, I don't know what we'd do without him...

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