Sunday, August 5, 2007

Cowardly Dog

My pure-blood pit-bull, Jonah, is such a COWARD!!! He ran away again last night because of a thunderstorm. We had gone to Pueblo, and got home to find him missing. Spent about two hours driving around looking for him, calling & whistling for him. Checking in at the police station to see if he'd been reported out. NOTHING. So after crying myself to sleep, sure my dog was gone forever (and completely freaking out my husband- being so emotional about a dog :-) the police station called at 3 minutes to midnight to tell us someone had found our dog, four blocks from our house!!! We jumped out of bed, went and picked him up, came home- couldn't get back to sleep for alomst an hour. Needless to say- we had a bad morning trying to get up and ready for church, we mde it for worship, but not Bible study.

And boy does Jonah know he's skating on thin ice :-) He's been slinking around giving us those big "I'm sorry" puppy-dog eyes, and obeying our every command perfectly (which has NEVER happened before) I feel a liitle bad about what we are about to do, but not enough to stop me from doing it. We are going to hot wire the fence, so he won't try to get out again. Thankfully his cowardice should aide us in this- once he feels that zap, he will never get close to that fence again...

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