Monday, July 16, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me!!! I am working today (yuck), but don't have to cook dinner!!! :-) My wonderful husband asked what he could cook me for dinner. I picked BBQ chicken, and will leave the rest up to him. I did make my own birthday desert, last night, so I could share at work today, chocolate brownie cookies. Yum-O!!!(I LOVE Rachel Ray!!!) :-) I just hope I can make it through the day without anyone (clients) yelling at me. That would be a nice change...


Sally said...

Happy Birthday!!

G&K said...

Thank you for calling... its been a usual day so far, except for looking forward to not cooking dinner. No surprises yet, and my parents and in-laws have already given me my gifts, so pretty low-key day. My parents gave G & I a BBQ grill for our combined birthday gift- and we use it at least once a week if not more, and are using it tonight for my birthday dinner too! :-)

LaughingLaura said...

Happy Birthday :-D Hope it was a good one and that you didn't melt too badly... I've been watching the forecast and have been feeling sympathy sweats for ya. :-P

G&K said...

I don't really notice the heat that much. I freeze at work and at home, so being outside, even at 101 degrees is comfortable for me. :-) I know I'm weird- but love me anyway! ;-)