Monday, November 5, 2007

Sick day...

Well, half a day, but still, it's because I am sicko!!! :-(
I caught a head cold from work, (its a germ cess-pool all winter long- as soon as school starts- all those kids bring their germs in with them) thankfully most of my clients don't come into the office for themselves (most of my clients are in the nursing home or home-bound)or they would all be sick too.
So I'm bundled up on the couch, watching Food Network, reading my newest Karen Kingsbury novel (I just got 13 new books from Ebay for about 1/3 of reatil cost!) with my Reeses Minature Peanut Butter Cups and Cherry Cordial Hershey's Kisses for a little recovery time. Hope it helps- cause I have to go back to work tomorrow...

1 comment:

Jayme said...

Peanut Butter Cups always always always make me feel better. Maybe I want some now....yummy. :)

Hope you are feeling better.

Love ya!