Thursday, November 22, 2007

I've been tagged...

My SIL tagged me with this MEME, so here it goes. The instructions were to come up with words using the letters of my middle name that describe me.

S- Self-conscious- I am always worried about what others think of me- to a fault
U- Underestimate myself, my self-worth, my abilities...
S- Super-sensitive. I wear my heart on my sleeve, no matter how hard I try not to.
A- Avoid conflict at ALL costs (I do NOT like to be at odds and will do everything in my power to keep the peace, even if I know I am 100% in the right)
N- Negative self-image (I have a hard time, even three years post-surgery, seeing myself as anything but fat & awkward)
N- Nice (back to the avoiding conflict thing- I will be unfailingly nice if it means a peaceful situation on the outside- never mind whatever stress it's causing me...)
E- Encouraging to my friends and family- no matter if I agree with them or not I will always stand behind them.

Now the instructions were to tag one person for every letter in my middle name- however- I don't have that many "blog-buddies". And I'll be kind & not tag Sally again.
I guess I can tag Jayme & Laura- and if anyone else want to play along, let me know! :-)

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