Monday, January 22, 2007

And yet again, More SNOW!!!

Aghhhhhhhh! More snow this weekend, we got another 4-6 inches. I am really starting to be bothered by all the snow. Don't get me wrong, all the moisture is nice and good for Colorado, but there is no where left to pile snow, we still have huge amounts of snow piled up from the storm three weeks ago( and two weeks ago, and last week...), and its going nowhere anytime soon. And now with it starting to melt there is ice everywhere. Its especially fun to walk down my steps in the morning, where the water has dripped off the roof all night, and the landlord didn't see fit to install a gutter in, and the roof ends halfway over the stairs (vertically). Yep- that's right. There is about two inches of ice all over my very narrow staircase! Fun... I have lived in Colorado all my life, but have never had winter blues like I have them now... I am so irritable and grumpy and lethargic. And those are not good things to be when you are trying to pull a wedding together to happen in 81 days... I am trying real hard to get it together. Please sunshine, come and stay a while...

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